International Bank Account Numbers(IBAN)

IBAN stands for International Bank Account Number. It is the ISO 13616 international standard for numbering bank accounts. In 2006, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) designated SWIFT as the Registration Authority for ISO 13616.

Before International Bank Account Numbers were adopted, different European countries had different bank account number formats, and this discrepancy led to errors in cross-border transactions. Then in 1997, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) proposed a new system of global money movement. Today, this international standard is known as ISO 13616-2:2007. With the implementation of IBAN, there are very less chances of error in cross border financial transactions. IBAN system has resulted in safe, secure, accurate and timely execution of wire transfers.

IBAN system has implemented a validation check, to find the correctness of the beneficiary IBAN. Payment is not allowed to transferred if the IBAN validation fails.

Use of IBAN

The IBAN facilitates the communication and processing of cross-border financial transactions. It allows exchanging account identification details in a machine-readable form. IBAN is required to receive and make payments between the account holders of different member countires.

The ISO 13616 IBAN Standard


The IBAN structure is defined in ISO 13616-1 and consists of a two-letter ISO 3166-1 country code, followed by two check digits and up to thirty alphanumeric characters for a BBAN (Basic Bank Account Number) which has a fixed length per country and, included within it, a bank identifier with a fixed position and a fixed length per country. The check digits are calculated based on the scheme defined in ISO/IEC 7064 (MOD97-10).

Terms and definitions

Bank identifier

The identifier that uniquely identifies the financial institution and, when appropriate, the branch of that financial institution servicing an account In this registry, the branch identifier format is shown specifically, when present.


basic bank account number: The identifier that uniquely identifies an individual account, at a specific financial institution, in a particular country. The BBAN includes a bank identifier of the financial institution servicing that account.


international bank account number: The expanded version of the basic bank account number (BBAN), intended for use internationally. The IBAN uniquely identifies an individual account, at a specific financial institution, in a particular country.

Registration Authorities for IBAN

Nationally-agreed, ISO13616-compliant IBAN formats are submitted to the registration authority exclusively by the National Standards Body or the National Central Bank of the country.

How to find IBAN for Bank Account Number?

If you are from a Country, which has implemented IBAN for financial transactions, then you can find IBAN in your Bank Statement. You can also find IBAN in your online Banking system, besides, you can ask also get IBAN from your Bank.

What does IBAN Contains?

IBAN number has a series of alphanumeric characters, all of which represent an important information to money transfer process. IBAN length is different for different countries but it is same for all the bank account holders of a country, i.e. UK's Banks Account Holders, IBAN length is 22 characters, France IBAN length is 27. In general, an IBAN number is divided into the following parts:
1. Country code : From left postion 1-2
2. Check digit code : position 3-4
3. Bank identifier code : length differs from country to country
4. Branch code : Not in all countries and length differs from country to country
5. Account number length differs from country to country
The last three (bank, branch, and account numbers) collectively make up the Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN).
To create an example, here's a hypothetical IBAN from a bank in Cyprus:
Although IBANs are used without any spaces in financial transactions, for convenience we can add some here to make interpreting our fictitious IBAN a little easier.
GB 29 NWBK 601613 31926819
As you can see, United Kingdom uses 22 characters across five sections.
1. The first two characters are the ISO country code. GB is used for Great Britain.
2. The two digits following the country code (29) are the check digits. They help to validate the account number.
3. The next section (NWBK) is the bank code. Obviously, this identifies the specific bank that holds the account. NWBK has been assigned to NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BANK PLC.
4. The fourth string of characters (601613) is the branch code. NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BANK PLC Branch identifier, 601613.
5. Finally, we get to the last string of characters (31926819), which represent a Bank Account Number in NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BANK PLC.

List of IBAN Compliant Countries

Following countries has implemented IBAN standards for Payment Transfers. The countries are listed in alphabetical order by ISO 3166 country code.
Sr NoCountry NameCountry CodeIBAN LengthIBAN Electronic Format IBAN Paper FormatIBAN Sample Image
1AndorraAD24AD1200012030200359100100AD12 0001 2030 2003 5910 0100IBAN SAMPLE Andorra
2United Arab Emirates (The)AE23AE070331234567890123456AE07 0331 2345 6789 0123 456IBAN SAMPLE United Arab Emirates (The)
3AlbaniaAL28AL47212110090000000235698741AL47 2121 1009 0000 0002 3569 8741IBAN SAMPLE Albania
4AustriaAT20AT611904300234573201AT61 1904 3002 3457 3201IBAN SAMPLE Austria
5AzerbaijanAZ28AZ21NABZ00000000137010001944AZ21 NABZ 0000 0000 1370 1000 1944IBAN SAMPLE Azerbaijan
6Bosnia and HerzegovinaBA20BA391290079401028494BA39 1290 0794 0102 8494IBAN SAMPLE Bosnia and Herzegovina
7BelgiumBE16BE68539007547034BE68 5390 0754 7034IBAN SAMPLE Belgium
8BulgariaBG22BG80BNBG96611020345678BG80 BNBG 9661 1020 3456 78IBAN SAMPLE Bulgaria
9BahrainBH22BH67BMAG00001299123456BH67 BMAG 0000 1299 1234 56IBAN SAMPLE Bahrain
10BrazilBR29BR1800360305000010009795493C1BR18 0036 0305 0000 1000 9795 493C 1IBAN SAMPLE Brazil
11Republic of BelarusBY28BY13NBRB3600900000002Z00AB00BY13 NBRB 3600 9000 0000 2Z00 AB00IBAN SAMPLE Republic of Belarus
12SwitzerlandCH21CH9300762011623852957CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7IBAN SAMPLE Switzerland
13Costa RicaCR22CR05015202001026284066CR05 0152 0200 1026 2840 66IBAN SAMPLE Costa Rica
14CyprusCY28CY17002001280000001200527600CY17 0020 0128 0000 0012 0052 7600IBAN SAMPLE Cyprus
15CzechiaCZ24CZ6508000000192000145399CZ65 0800 0000 1920 0014 5399IBAN SAMPLE Czechia
16GermanyDE22DE89370400440532013000DE89 3704 0044 0532 0130 00IBAN SAMPLE Germany
17DenmarkDK18DK5000400440116243DK50 0040 0440 1162 43IBAN SAMPLE Denmark
18Dominican RepublicDO28DO28BAGR00000001212453611324DO28 BAGR 0000 0001 2124 5361 1324IBAN SAMPLE Dominican Republic
19EstoniaEE20EE382200221020145685EE38 2200 2210 2014 5685IBAN SAMPLE Estonia
20EgyptEG29EG380019000500000000263180002EG380019000500000000263180002IBAN SAMPLE Egypt
21SpainES24ES9121000418450200051332ES91 2100 0418 4502 0005 1332IBAN SAMPLE Spain
22FinlandFI18FI2112345600000785FI21 1234 5600 0007 85IBAN SAMPLE Finland
23Faroe IslandsFO18FO6264600001631634FO62 6460 0001 6316 34IBAN SAMPLE Faroe Islands
24FranceFR27FR1420041010050500013M02606FR14 2004 1010 0505 0001 3M02 606