, -fr Clearing Sort Code / Bank Code, Swift Code

Clearing Code , Bank Code / Sort Code, Swift Code of , -

What is SIC?

Swiss Interbank Clearing (SIC) system is the real-time and around the clock payment processing in Swiss Francs . SIC is Monitored and steered by the Swiss National Bank (SNB), SIC is the most important payment system in Switzerland, facilitating transactions between banks worldwide. Efficient, secure and quick for both large-value and retail payments, financial institutions process the majority of their interbank liabilities in Swiss francs via SIC on a global scale.

What is euroSIC?

With euroSIC, Switzerland as a non-EU member state has an interface to European financial centers. euroSIC provides an efficient and secure link to the TARGET2 RTGS system of eurozone member countries, as well as to the German and pan-European EMZ and STEP2 bulk payment systems. Thus euroSIC participants have a rapid, cost-efficient and real-time connection to all financial institutions in the EU and EEA. Conversely, euroSIC enables EU and EEA banks to conduct euro transactions with euroSIC participants.

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